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Shoe-Size Coir Mat

This coir mat is tough and water resistant (it's one of the few natural fibers resistant to damage by salt water). Typically, the coir fibers are processed to make them softer - therefore kinder to bare feet. But this process takes some of the properties of toughness, durability and abrasion resistance away. The coir in our mats is deliberately left elastic enough to twist without breaking and to hold a curl.

Machine woven in long, thick strands 1-1/4" in diameter and tied together by loops of stainless steel wire to make a generously open mesh pattern, these mats are of a quality rarely seen - even in very upmarket stores. The soles of your shoes will love them. Water, dirt and debris falls naturally through the mesh. The mat can be picked up at any time and shaken to be cleaned or blasted with a stream of water from a hose.

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  • Shoe-Size Coir Mat


    Shoe-Size Coir Mat

    $29.95 $19.00
Subtotal: $29.95 $19.00
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