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Web Accessibility Statement

Garrett Wade is committed to providing a positive customer experience to all our customers, regardless of abilities, and we aim to promote accessibility and inclusion. Our goal is to permit all of our customers to successfully gather information and transact business through our website. Whether you are using assistive technologies or devices, our goal is to make your use of Garrett Wade's website a successful and enjoyable experience.

Accessibility Assistance:
If you have difficulty using or accessing any element of this website, please feel free to call us at 800-221-2942 or email us at and we will work with you to provide the information, item, or transaction through a method that is accessible to you (for example, through telephone support).

We are taking a variety of steps and devoting resources to further enhance the accessibility of our website. We recognize this is a continual effort. We are committed to ensuring that any new or updated platform and content produced by Garrett Wade meets best practice accessibility standards, and we have conducted and will continue to conduct ongoing accessibility reviews of our website periodically.

Ongoing Effort:
Although we are proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress, we at Garrett Wade view accessibility as an ongoing effort.

Please contact us at or call us toll free at 800-221-2942 if you have any feedback or suggestions as to how we could improve the accessibility of this website.

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