Which is the Best Knife for You?
A knife is an essential everyday tool and there are as many knives as there are stars in the sky. The vast variety of choices is great, but can be intimidating for the knife novice. Since we’ve tes… Read More
Make the most of your tools and talents: articles, profiles, how-to guides, and more from the staff of Garrett Wade.
A knife is an essential everyday tool and there are as many knives as there are stars in the sky. The vast variety of choices is great, but can be intimidating for the knife novice. Since we’ve tes… Read More
Today we’re showing you a behind-the-scenes look at how one of our favorite knives, the Douk-Douk, is made. First created by Gaspard Cognet in 1929, this knife has been a favorite of adventurers, c… Read More
Curved knives for spoon carving can be difficult to store and protect. My friend Michelle sent me a picture of a knife sheath that she hoped to emulate for her carving knives. Although she’s alread… Read More
Obviously, I know about knives. I mean I should. I make shoes from scratch—by hand. “Unplugged” as they say. There are many steps in the completion of a pair of shoes or boots that require a knif… Read More